Improv black and white
The focus of our new improv game will be: “Black and white”.
In this page are collected the features of the game. Some of them have been decided by poll results, after a consultation by @quiltimprovstudio published in Instagram for quilters interested to participate.
Example of black and white quilts, as inspiration sources, are mentioned in the related article on the blog.
All the pictures of the finished quilts will be collected and displayed in order of arrival on the dedicated Instagram page @quiltimprovstudio. If you want to be included in this gallery send us a picture of your mini quilt as Direct Message within May 16th 2021, with title, measure, brief comment (and, optional, your nationality). Kindly take care to use bright illumination, and to frame quilt edges parallel to the borders of the photo.
Finished size: minimum 24”x24”, maximum: free
Materials: you can use black and white solid and printed fabric, with addition of a third color to be used as accent
You can play with us!
Join our game by using the following hashtags in your Instagram posts dedicated to this challenge: