A game to start
We like to play with colors and fabrics, in order to see how our creativity is expressed starting from the same point.
The idea for our first color study came during a call with Carla @falcolupo, who revealed her soft spot for orange hues. So, we decided to start playing with color gradation: here we are with an improv challenge focused on orange colors. Perfect for Summer!
You can follow game results on our instagram handles: @falcolupo @jonikquilts @thecultofquilt and you can play too ! All the pictures of all the finished quilts will be collected and displayed on the dedicated IG page @quiltimprovstudio. If you want to be included in this gallery send us a picture of your mini quilt as DM by september 21st, 2020.
Our challenges are intended as simple occasions to learn by comparison and networking: started by us, open to all!
It shall be used only 3 colors:
Orange as main hue (any shade from the stash is eligible: multiple oranges to be included)
White (…which white exactly? Any one is good!)
A medium/dark color (black, blue or green, violet, brown, teal…)
Post on instagram 5 pictures during Summer, showing:
Palette choice
Beginning of work
What if… I make a change?
Assembled top or sneak peek
Finished quilt
To be selected: mostly or totally solids fabrics (modern printed fabrics are welcome too).
Finished size: about 24”x24”
It can be decided to work with or without intention, predefined or ongoing inspiration.
Shapes: free.
You can play with us!
Join our game by using the hashtags related to this challenge: